I have made this recipe from BBC Good Food twice and each time I enjoyed it even more. It makes quite a bit but the leftovers reheat really well. The original...
This is a good recipe for people who are trying to improve their diet! Delicious and super! I got this recipe from an empanada recipe. This was supposed...
This is not the traditional colcannon, a mashed potato and cabbage dish from Ireland. I have spiced it up and put my own spin on it, but it is WONDERFUL...
Mashed potatoes made in a slow cooker. This was my first attempt at cooking without a recipe - the potatoes turned out very moist and very flavorful. Be...
This is an easy make-ahead mashed potato recipe. Enriched with sour cream and cream cheese, these stay creamy and moist. Just heat in oven when you're...
Ready, Set, Cook! Special Edition Contest Entry. Mash potatoes are so versatile, you will need only 1 pan and 1 pot to make this recipe. Be very careful...
As I recently became vegan, I remembered the creaminess of dairy mashed potatoes. I was not satisfied with other vegan mashed potato recipes, so I created...
This is our go to mashed potato recipe for holiday gatherings as it eliminates the last minute preparation time to mash the potatoes on Christmas Day or...
Roasted shallots and fresh thyme give these potatoes an added depth of flavor. Preparation time is 20 minutes. This recipe is from The WEBB Cooks, articles...
This mashed potato recipe with garlic is rich and very tasty! For a creamier texture, use heavy cream in place of the milk. These are also terrific topped...
These creamy Middle Eastern-style potatoes are flavored with turmeric and use olive oil rather than butter. They are great alone, and for fillings in puff...
My two young boys would only eat boxed mashed potatoes, until I came up with this recipe. Little do they (and my finicky husband) know they are also eating...
This recipe is a perfect accompaniment to just about anything. The sautéed kale is tender with the golden raisins and red wine vinegar adding both sweet...
These are, hands down, the best mashed potatoes I have ever had -- and so very easy to make. You can also use soy milk and non-dairy butter for vegans....
Caramelized onions give this incredible side dish a subtle sweetness, and the addition of horseradish gives it a little attitude! They make an absolutely...
Colcannon is probably my favorite St. Patrick's Day recipe. It combines the lovely, spring-is-finally-here-greenness of kale and leeks with the always...
This went so fast at the last bbq I had I knew I needed to make a double batch the next time and then that went fast at the next one. This is sure to be...
My two young boys would only eat boxed mashed potatoes, until I came up with this recipe. Little do they (and my finicky husband) know they are also eating...
My two young boys would only eat boxed mashed potatoes, until I came up with this recipe. Little do they (and my finicky husband) know they are also eating...
My two young boys would only eat boxed mashed potatoes, until I came up with this recipe. Little do they (and my finicky husband) know they are also eating...
Ready, Set, Cook! Special Edition Contest Entry: You can eat THESE mashed potatoes without any utensils! I am an Italian-American who enjoys great food!...
(Ignore the 404 error post of the same name!!!) Rutabegas are called "swede" or "orange of the North" in Scandanavia. People often think rutabagas and...
From Martha Stewart, the dumplings turn out even better if the potatoes are cooked, riced, and refrigerated, uncovered, a day ahead. If you have the space...
This recipe was featured on week 33 of my food blog, "Travel by Stove." I am attempting to cook on meal from every nation on Earth, and Bosnia Herzegovina...
A one pot side dish! Easy mashed potatoes rolled in spicy breadcrumbs for a little kick served with a pink sauce of mayo and ketchup. This recipe is egg...
This is a delicious, low-carb way to trick-out your standard mashed potatoes. By using half celery root we'll not only save a bunch of carbs, but more...